Placenta Encapsulation

Derived from ancient Chinese medicine, placenta encapsulation is a tradition that is rapidly growing in popularity in the United States today.   It’s the process of ingesting the placenta after it has been dehydrated, ground, and placed into capsules.

Moms report a variety of benefits from consuming their placentas, including:

*Balance of hormones after birth

*Speeds up postpartum recovery

*Increases milk supply

*Helps prevent postpartum depression & “baby blues”

*Lessens postnatal bleeding

*Increases energy after birth

*Replenishes iron levels

*Constant flow of oxytocin (love hormone)

The Process:

After speaking to the midwife and deciding to move forward with encapsulation, you’ll receive information on how to contact the midwife when in labor and a pick up time will be discussed.

Your placenta is sliced and dehydrated at 160 F for 24 hours then ground and placed into capsules.

Your capsules will be returned to you within 3-4 days after the birth of your baby. You can expect approximately 100-150 capsules, enough to last several months if taken regularly.

Instructions on how to ingest and store your capsules will be provided.

Service Includes:

*E-Mail or Phone consultation

*Raw method placenta preparation

*​Placenta Capsules 

*Pick up & delivery OR In your own home full preparation

*Umbilical cord keepsake

*Picture of your placenta (via text) if desired.