
Our global maternity fee is $7,000 and includes a $500, non-refundable enrollment fee due at the initial visit after the free consultation. A minimum of $150 is due at each prenatal visit until paid in full.

This fee covers:

  • Individualized, compassionate and comprehensive prenatal care

  • Labor, birth & postpartum midwifery care

  • Childbirth education classes

  • Breastfeeding support and referral to CLC if initial issues aren’t resolved

  • 36 week birth team meeting at your home prenatal visit

  • 3-4 in home postpartum visits

  • Birth Assistant fee

  • Newborn exam

  • Filing of birth certificate & request of social security card for baby

This fee does not include ultrasounds, labs or disposable birth supplies. We’d be happy to bill your insurance for labs and the radiologist may bill for your ultrasounds. If there is a balance it will be passed on to the client.

Additional Services

Prenatal Care only:

Not all expecting parents will want to deliver at home and desire a hospital birth. This option is also best for those with increased chances of complications at birth. This package provides support throughout your pregnancy, prepares you for hospital birth and cares for your postpartum needs.

At 36 weeks, we will provide you with a copy of your medical records and encourage you to pre-register at your preferred hospital. You can ask to be given a tour of the facility as well. When you go into labor, your Midwife will triage you over the phone and then fax records to the hospital. Once at the hospital, you will be taken care of by the nurses and hospitalist on call.

Investment: $4,500

Late Transfer into Care

**Accepted on case by case basis, must have records.

Includes everything in global maternity package

Latest transfer accepted: 24wga

Investment: $7,000

Placenta Encapsulation


  • ​Phone consultation

  • Raw method placenta preparation

  • ​Placenta Capsules 

  • ​Pick up & delivery OR In your own home start to finish encapsulation

  • Optional umbilical cord keepsake

  • ​Picture of your placenta (via text)

Palm Beach County: $275

St. Lucie or Broward County: $300

Please note:

We understand and believe that individualized midwifery care is an investment.

There are some insurance companies who will cover a portion of our services. However, reimbursement is unreliable for midwives and may take months, despite what they may claim.

For this reason, regardless of insurance coverage, all clients are required to pay the full fee throughout their pregnancy, directly to the midwife.

While we are not able to accept insurance for midwifery services, all options are available on a payment plan, due by your 36th week of pregnancy.

At this time we are not Medicaid providers.

Discount: 10% deducted if paid in full by second visit.